Revolutionizing Organic Medical Cannabis Cultivation

Stephen Rex, a passionate organic farmer with over 20 years of experience, transitioned to growing medical cannabis in Quebec, Canada. For the past two years, he has focused on cultivating Organic Veganic Medical Cannabis with zero toxicity while preserving the purity of its cannabinoids and terpenes. However, this process has presented significant challenges, especially in preventing diseases like Botrytis (bud rot) and powdery mildew, which have become standard issues for cannabis growers globally.

These diseases are now deeply embedded in the genetic makeup of cannabis, making them almost unavoidable in any cultivation environment where conditions favor infection. As a result, many growers rely on synthetic sprays or natural fungicides to control these diseases, but they do not eliminate them. Worse, these chemical treatments negatively impact the quality and yield of cannabis, affecting the development of cannabinoids and terpenes, and reducing the market value of the crop.

Determined to find a better solution, Stephen conducted extensive research and discovered Biozone Scientific’s Photoplasma™ technology. He installed a Purizone unit in his experimental grow room, a 16’ x 24’ solarium with 32 plants. The room, exposed to full sunlight with supplemental LED lighting, was the ideal space to test the power of the Purizone. Stephen set up a timer for the Purizone to run in intervals, ensuring that the air was continuously charged with plasma, neutralizing any airborne pathogens like spores.

The results were groundbreaking.

For the first time, Stephen’s grow room experienced zero issues with airborne pathogens—no bud rot, no powdery mildew. His plants remained healthy throughout the growing cycle. Beyond disease prevention, Stephen noticed a substantial increase in his yield, producing three times the amount of cannabis compared to previous seasons. Even more impressive was the enhanced quality of his product. The visible THC crystals were more abundant, and the sweet aroma of the plants was stronger than ever before—key factors for both medicinal and recreational markets.

The Biozone Purizone proved to be a game-changer, significantly reducing the need for costly and labor-intensive fungicides, while promoting a cleaner, purer growing environment.

Why Biozone Purizone Works for Cannabis Cultivation

  • Eliminates Airborne Pathogens: The Purizone’s Photoplasma™ technology destroys spores and airborne particulates, preventing diseases like bud rot and powdery mildew from affecting crops.
  • Preserves Cannabinoid & Terpene Integrity: Without the use of synthetic or natural sprays, cannabinoids and terpenes remain untainted, leading to a higher-quality end product.
  • Increases Yield: Stephen experienced a 300% increase in yield, demonstrating the Purizone’s effectiveness in creating optimal growth conditions.
  • Cost-Effective & Sustainable: The Purizone reduces the reliance on sprays and powders, saving growers time, resources, and expenses while maintaining a sustainable operation.

For Stephen Rex, the Biozone Purizone has transformed his approach to cannabis cultivation, providing a cleaner, more productive, and toxin-free environment. As a grower dedicated to maintaining the highest standards of organic farming, Biozone’s technology is a must-have for those seeking to improve the quality and quantity of their medical cannabis crops.

Contact us today to learn more about our technology.

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