Hotel Odor Control

In the hotel industry first impressions are priceless; hotel odor control is one of those first impression issues that most concern hotel management and cleaning staff.

From the moment a guest walks into the lobby to their first steps into their hotel room, each impression needs to be carefully managed and maximized.

Offending odors in a hotel room is one of the easiest ways to ruin a guests good impression.

For hotel cleaning staff, however, hotel odor control can be one of the most challenging aspects of their job.

Odors can linger long after the source has been removed and the room cleaned and sanitized. And while hotel odor control solutions that mask odors can provide a quick fix, they do nothing to address the underlying problem.

Covering up odors is only a temporary solution, leaving the source of the problem to cause odors to return. A better solution eliminates odors at their source, saving time and money, by eliminating harmful bacteria and preventing microorganism growth.

BSG POWERZONE series is an on-demand, chemical-free odor removal solution that addresses the root of the odor rather than masking the smell.

The MINI POWERZONE series is a commercial grade odor control system that eliminates odors from tobacco smoke, urine, perfumes, incense, food, pets, mold, mildew, and sewage.

Because MINI POWERZONE works quickly to eliminate odors, it can help reduce turnover time in hotel rooms!

Find out more about the POWERZONE series, available from BSG.

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